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A Blogscursion into the World of Expanders

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Recap: Extractors

For randomization it is common practice to assume some uniformally random source. However, such an assumption is unrealistic as most sources found in nature are biased. We therefore wish to utilize these biased sources of randomness to produce a perfectly random source. For some cases, this can be accomplished deterministically, however for many sources this is not the case. An example of which are Santha-Vazirani sources (δ-SV sources defined in the post of 10/22/05).
By construction of a δ-SV-source for any deterministic extractor of even a single bit such that the extractor using the source is as biased as the source itself in Proposition 1 we showed this.

A (k, ε)-extractor is then a function which takes some purely random seed of length d and any k-source X on {0,1}n and outputs some m length bitstring which is ε-close to unifom.
The proof of the existence of such extractors comes from the application of the probabilistic method considering a random choice of deterministic extractors (zero length seeds).
Constructive proofs such as the Leftover Hash Lemma guarantee extractors with specific bounds (A table of some of these bounds is located in the post of 10/22/05).

Extractors and expanders are interrelated as any extractor Ext: {0,1}n × {0,1}d → {0,1}m can be viewed as a bipartite multigraph G = { [N], [M], E } where an edge exists between v ∈ [N] and u ∈ [M] if and only if for some random seed the extractor on u outputs v.
On expection of the resulting graph the extraction property is equivalent to the expander mixing lemma thus the graph is an expander.
Similarly an expander can be used to create an extractor by making the expander into a bipartite graph in the usual way.

In the end we examined extractors over block sources. A block source is a generalization of a δ-SV-source where single bits are replaced with constant sized blocks of bits. Such sources can be used by extractors via the repeated application of an extractor on the individual blocks of the source. In doing so, the initial seed is applied only to the first iteration of the extractor generating some random bitstring rizi. On the next iteration i - 1 the ri bits resulting from the previous extraction are used as the seed. The resulting output is then r1z1z2...zi (note that the first iteration is i and each subsequent iteration has index i - 1). The proof of these bits' randomness is found by induction.


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